sustainability efforts.
Product E-Waste Information:
In August 2023, Halara launched an in-house battery and all-in-one vaporizer recycling program. We were tired of the limits and constraints with existing vape recycling programs, so we took matters into our own hands and built out a full program that we offer complimentary to our retailers. We aim to raise awareness and educate consumers about the importance of proper recycling and disposal of vape batteries and other vape products. All extra costs associated are paid by Halara.
Waste Information:
Halara’s waste is managed through 5 streams – common landfill waste, recyclable products, compostable green waste, cannabis waste, and electronic waste. Throughout our entire production facility, we practice responsible waste practices and swap to sustainable solutions whenever possible. We utilize bamboo toilet paper and compostable paper products throughout our facilities. We promote reusable products and discourage the use of single-use plastics throughout our entire business. We work with as many local recyclers as we can to ensure the responsible disposal of any materials our company uses. Our Marketing team is also notorious for making creative use of any waste they can – whether repurposing for events, displays or activations with consumers.
Whenever possible we work with our suppliers and vendors to opt out of any single-use plastics that may be used in our supply chain. We work closely with our vendors to ensure the packaging of all shipments is as sustainable as possible. With any non-recyclable packing materials we receive, we aim to reuse as much as possible through our own product distribution or our online merch store. With what is unable to be reused – we take all flimsy plastic to drop-off centers at Safeway grocery stores. This plastic waste is converted into Trex Composite Decking to be used to sustainably produce homes.
We bring all accepted styrofoam products that come into our facility to Green Citizen, a specialty recycling center. All extra costs associated are paid by Halara.
Emissions Information:
Currently, 85% of Halara’s delivery vehicles are pre-owned vehicles that get >40 miles/gallon. The average miles per gallon for Halara’s delivery vehicles is 40 mpg.
Packaging Information:
Our product packaging is made by Sun Grown in Oakland CA, out of 100% post-consumer waste and vegetable-based inks. Our boxes are fully recyclable and compostable! (just be sure to remove the labels!)
We continue to reduce our packaging impact by reusing the cardboard boxes used to pack deliveries. We also wrap our cartridges in reusable rubber bands instead of secondary case boxes.
We source cartridges with the least amount of plastic available on the market. Our distillate comes in a glass, metal, and ceramic coated cartridge and our Live Diamond Sauce, CBD and CBN vapes comes in a fully ceramic and glass cartridge. This means Halara’s cartridges will have the least amount of microplastics, and other harmful compounds associated with plastic.
Other Production Information:
Halara uses distillation technology to recycle almost all of the laboratory solvents we use in our production process.